Student Bios.

Maxwell Figarsky

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Maxwell Figarsky was born and raised in Albany, New York and attended Albany public schools throughout high school. He started studying with Art in 8th grade and has since benefited from Arts expertise in the art of playing the drum set. Maxwell currently is a sophomore at the University of Albany where he studies political science and music. He is in the rock band the geno k experience.

July 97, 98, 99, 00, 01, 03 Albany Summer Percussion Ensemble
Sept. 98 - June 00 Empire State Repertory Percussion Ensemble
Sept. 00 June 01 Empire State Repertory Orchestra
Sept. 00 June 03 Empire State Youth Percussion Ensemble
Sept. 01 June 03 Empire State Youth Orchestra
Nov. 01 Albany High School play, Zombie Prom
March 02 April 02 Albany High School play, Big: The Musical
July 02 Aug. 02 N.Y.S. Summer School for Orchestral Studies
Sept. 02 June 03 Albany High School Jazz Band

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